Wednesday, April 11, 2012

When is the release date for Madden 10 on PC

I love madden and i think it is best on the PC so when is Madden 10 going to be released on the PC a date would be nice thank you|||They discontinued PC Madden. 2008 was the last one! ! Sorry! Sucks!|||This is terrible that they are discontinuing All the EA sports games for the PC. I don't understand why they would it shouldn't take to much to convert it from Xbox 360 to PC. Pc can support better graphics I just think that the developers cheaped out on the decision and didn't want to spend the extra couple days to get it ready for PC. What a RIPOFF!! Thanks for nothing EA Sports.|||They did it for the same reason that most game developers are abandoning the PC for, online piracy.
And I can fully understand why, pirated games are so easy to get these days, and the biggest upside is, they're free!
So I don't blame EA for abandoning the PC market with Madden. I just hope that they can bring it back sometime soon.|||well TooTall91 all I have to say is
DRM free or no money from me
I control what is installed on my system not some development company
I control what to do with the software I purchased
if I want to install it on a machine without internet access I should be able to
IF I want to install it on all 3 machines in my house I will
If I buy a new machine and want to install it on the new machine I should not have to go through 10 hoops to be able to
the only software I allow is one that uses a S/N
DD is fine but not locked DD
so EA there are a huge amount of PC gamers that folloe this statment
and we buy games a lot of games|||double post|||What i hate is companies refering to piracy as a cause of not making a game. Thats bull, maybe if PC games came up with downloadable demos so gamers can try them out before spending 50 bucks on a crappy game that we will never play. I personally have loved the fact that i can download a game try it out and I go out and buy it simply cause i enjoy having the disk for when i have to format or want to play on a legit copy of my software. Please bring back the madden PC games you cant tell me you lose money because people pirate 360 games at the same rate.|||There must be a reason that they are not releasing it for the PC, and being a publicly traded company that reason would be money! They must believe that it would not be worth the money(profitable) to release it on the PC. My nephew just got the PS3 version and I wanted to get it for the PC and I just discovered its not available! What a shame, i blame the pirates!!! Being a software developer I know I like to be paid for the software I write. And you PC gamers that complain about DRM, I know its a pain in the butt, but the publishers have to try something. Making a profit is a good thing and it ensures that new,high quality games keep being made!
To all the people that pirate games...if you do have a job, how would you like to work and then not be paid for it??? its the same thing when you steal from the DEVELOPERs, they are putting in THEIR time and you are STEALING from them! I know, you think you are stealing from a big corporation but that is the same company that pays the salary of those who put their heart and soul into their work and THAT'S who you are stealing from!! Just think, the big CEO doesn't care that Madden 10 isn't being released on the PC, he's still making lots of money, but the developers that would have had a job porting it sure do care!!! thanks for putting them out of work.
in summary, don't blame EA for this, they are in business to make money, its called the free market and that's what allows these great games to be made. A company makes a product we want(they employee a lot of people), we buy the product cause we want it, the company makes a profit to make more games and everyone wins, what a great system! and for any of you people that think a company or person should not be paid for something they create or it should be free, how would you like to work and NOT be paid?????? I bet you don't volunteer at your job!!!! that's even if you do have a job!!! but if you did, i bet you would expect to be paid!|||I agree, it sucks that they stopped with the PC. Looks like I'll have to eventually give up gaming. I use a PC, and have no desire to get a console.
As for the piracy claims, EA actually forced people into piracy when the added SECUROM to most of their titles. EA could sell games for as little as $5, and people would still pirate them, hell they could probably give them away, and people would still pirate them. To some people that is just the way they are.
SECUROM was and is a major headache. It would disable CD/DVD drives because it didn't like them, if you had burning programs such as Nero, etc, SECUROM wouldn't allow the game to run because it considered it to be emulation software, and a myriad of other issues, not to mention the fact when you unistalled the game/program, it left securom on your system. People evn reported that securom tried to dial home, even though EA and Sony denied this. Because of this many, many people who normally wouldn't even think of downloading a pirated version did, because of the destructive nature of their DRM.
Use an unobtrusive DRM, and no one cares. Overly invasive DRM's don't stop the crooks and pirates, they just hurt the honest ones who spend their money, and then have to spend more to fix their system when the DRM screws with it.
However, I do not believe the piracy is as bad as they make it out to be. Console games get pirated, so why haven't they stopped producing console games? If piracy is/was the issue, then they wouldn't make ANY games at all, because they ALL get pirated.
My best guess is that they make less profit from PC games than console games. Why spend say (and these figures are made up to highlight my point) $1 million to develop a game if it only makes $2 million profit, when you can spend that same $1 million and make $4 million in profit from another platform.
Basically I suspect their profit margin for PC games dropped below the level they deemed to be acceptable, even though they were still profitable.
As to the poster who queried the multiplayer issue, incase you hadn't noticed PC games can be multiplayer on-line, they use the same internet connections that consoles use. The only difference is that online PC and consoles won't be able to play against each other.
Basically, it is just EA telling everyone how to conduct their gaming, ie. you can't play games on PC anymore, you have to use a console.
It would be nice if EA allowed/licensed another company to produce and distribute a PC version of the game, but that would be unlikely, given EA attitude to things.|||The EA decision makers that chose not to put Madden on the PC because of piracy lack modern business sense. The PC is the platform of the future. Piracy is a natural setback, but piracy will happen anyways because of the times we live in. You know console games are pirated too. What EA needs to do is offer incentives not to pirate Madden PC, like roster updates, attribute updates, online multiplayer networks, etc. I think the Madden fan base would support this, and the gross majority would buy the game for these features. If EA is looking to hire in Switzerland, let me know lol. I hope it comes to the PC, just got a large wide screen monitor |||

The EA decision makers that chose not to put Madden on the PC because of piracy lack modern business sense. The PC is the platform of the future. Piracy is a natural setback, but piracy will happen anyways because of the times we live in. You know console games are pirated too. What EA needs to do is offer incentives not to pirate Madden PC, like roster updates, attribute updates, online multiplayer networks, etc. I think the Madden fan base would support this, and the gross majority would buy the game for these features.

I agree piracy isn't just in PC games, IF EA thinks this then their sadly mistaken.|||...It is really sad to think that they did not produce a PC platform game, we are the ones that fed the fire
in the being, they have totally "LEFT US IN THE DUST" without a second thought. PC graphics are 10 fold
better than the other systems, specially when you have a gamer built for the high end. Business is business
but there is still a lot of money to me made from us PC'ers. Maybe they should sell the PC portion to someone
who has the balls & money to produce it. Seems like a bunch of babies run that place.|||

I think the biggest reason for their decision is the lack of the ability for multiple players to play.
I too, prefer the PC version and have almost all the titles previous to them discontinuing the PC version.

Thats a funny statement considering that the internet exists because of the PC... Not to mention the fact that PC's will always have more power and better graphics than a console system... untill they start to allow consoles to be modded by the end user.. (which will never happen because they need to make money every 4 years by selling a new pos console that is behind the curve befor it is ever released).|||

They did it for the same reason that most game developers are abandoning the PC for, online piracy.
And I can fully understand why, pirated games are so easy to get these days, and the biggest upside is, they're free!
So I don't blame EA for abandoning the PC market with Madden. I just hope that they can bring it back sometime soon.

XBOX 360, Wii, and PS3 games are just as easily pirated, the argument you make for ending the PC line is baseless and without merit.

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