I cant log in|||me either cant log on 1252 pm eastern time
nope just checked server bck up and running 3 PM EST|||I think its a wrap
Goodbye EASO madden 08 |||IF the servers down and its over thats really sad Revis still hasn't learned how to play|||thats why my rating way better than you and I made you quit after I pick 6'd you on the first play of the game
|||Cant wait to see the lights turned off on that friggin server...All you punks need to go buy a PS3...Good Riddance!|||Revis quit on me twice then pulls the "i dont remember playing you" BS Your * wont play me anymore cuz u know u suk its ok and your scared to use you own team u suk that bad have to use the Chargers lol|||I did play you...... remember? lol u quit on the first play after I pick 6'd you... why would I play you again|||well i am sitting out a game with nolove he lagged me the whole game so i disco him so im just smoking some dro|||ahhhhh|||no, the server is still available...
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