mastr:still syncing and being alow life with his unifed butt buddys
slap:still trying to get number 1 ahhaha
vader:dosnt play nemore cuz he has better things 2 do
will:Still gets high while hes playing madden
plapurple haze and his brother (if forgot his username): still being redneck hill billys and still lieing about how hes a 270 pound kick boxer
waldo:dosnt play anymore i think
sly:still listening to his emo heavy metal music dosnt play anymore
Blake:I hav no idea wat this guy is up to but my guess is tht hes still bipolar and dosnt take his medication
donald mecca:got enough money 2 afford a ps3 supposedly but still has no life
me:I dont play on pc on nemore i occasionaly go online on 360 and ps3 and play gamertag is shab8418
and idk i forget the rest of the ppl
|||mastr seems to have not changed
will i havent seen in like at least a year i think. ive been on vent like 10 times in the past year and dont rmemeber seeing him at all
slap i havent seen since like november
vader i havent seen in like 2 years
sly i talk to once every few months or so
plapurplehaze i know still plays madden
blake i talk to a lot, i think he graduated or someething
mecca ive just seen here
i play madden with like 3 different people form time to time. theres 1 guy ive actually been playing a lot (5 times or so) in the past few weeks, other than that ive just been chillin, smokin that herb, and enojying life.|||thats funny u say that Wally,u havent been on easo for how long?
and shabby, do you want me to get those screenshots of you syncing out again?
i havent seen Wil for almost 2 yrs, last i seen him was when he paused me, down 21-0 and he quit
Slap is now playing Combat Arms with his buddys from Vent
vader has been playing Easo under the name xDARKxKNIGHTx
sly has stoped playing madden, (prolly a good thing, he used to get angry,now he might cut himself)
Plapurpl and his bro VicksVapor still frequent the easo lobby in search of idiots that dont know they hack rosters
Blake is on at least 3 times a week to tell us all how he almost died in a knife fight cause he fights people with knives all the time now
Mecca is still a BUM, aka LANGDONSTREET aka Jamezjayall , most recently his newest name is BrianDawkins and i gave him a 28-7 beatdown ...havent seen him since
as far as Unified is concerned? ... yes we are still #1 almost 3 years str8
ahha i must admitt i have sunkk ppl be4 but its not like i had no skill or anything i was actually pretty good...i wouldnt have 2 sync u mastr u suck badly i think you should just go kill your self ur a waiste of a human body.....and waldo how did blake graduate!?!?!!?
ahhh shabby, see us 'civilizied' americans dont kill ourselves, we are by far way to proud for that, ( unlike your people)...and at last count i was 4-0 against you, choke on that,Dot Head since 2001 ... nice to finally catch up to our way of playing .. and then not to make us the game two years in a row .. after you said it would be back .. hope you * lose your rights ..|||Damn you guys haven't changed at all.......You may remember me you may not. Anyway Master I thought you moved on to play Americas Army. That's about the only game I play now. Whatever happened to the forum that Wally was the admin on? Remember the "New" madden forum.|||people jsut stopped psoting on it|||
Damn you guys haven't changed at all.......You may remember me you may not. Anyway Master I thought you moved on to play Americas Army. That's about the only game I play now. Whatever happened to the forum that Wally was the admin on? Remember the "New" madden forum.
whats up Rmelz? long time no for America Army, i stopped playing it after i got COD 5, Americas Army was fun but toooo many glitchers in there made me leave ( getiing naded at spawn of game,emptying a full clip into someone and they turn around and shoot me once, lol ... etc. etc..) as for the old 'new' Forum, most of us got banned by Wally lol, so we stopped posting|||its funny you say that becasue i am actually the one that unbanned you...|||.|||
its funny you say that becasue i am actually the one that unbanned you...
i know Wally, but wehr was being kinda sneaky and chit, and Slap asking for IP addys and stuff like that, it just felt safer not to post on there on here everyday, but i post in the NFL Talk section locate a few down from PC on the list
PS, i will have broadband again tommorow afer work, i just moved over the weekend so the earliest they could get me hooked up will be Monday, see ya on EASO or with new rosters
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