Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I've reached a conclusion...

You know, two months ago I was super pissed when I saw that the new Madden wasn't coming out on PC. I wrote a lot of things in here about what a travesty it was, etc... But after playing Madden 08 for two months, patching it up with new rosters and schedules, jumping into the still-active online community, and joining some franchise draft teams, I've figured something out: Madden 08 on the PC is way better than the new Madden! It's like the dirty little secret nobody wants to talk about.
I've been cycling through some of the threads for the new game, and I have to laugh. Glitches galore and a 60 buck price tag with other added expenses if you want longer online franchises, etc. The new game's a joke. And yet, we get to play this superior title with good online capabilities, modability, etc... for free! So I've changed my tune. I don't want EA to release a PC version of the game next year. Why? Because they haven't improved on the old one yet!|||Glitches galore?! Geebus.... freakin EA cant even get it right when they limit themselves to a Console platform that uses 3 year old technology that doesnt change.
EA Sports couldnt program thier way out of a wet dream....|||

EA Sports couldnt program thier way out of a wet dream....

I did that once, I had a lot of cleaning up to do after.... |||Hmm, I've been playing a ton since release, and it isn't really that glitchy. I've played thru one and a half years of franchise mode and the only "glitches" I've seen were in presentation stuff, like when they cut to a guy on the sidelines it occasionally takes a second longer for the exercise bike he's riding to show up, and once when my QB was being interviewed after the game he was standing alone talking to no one.
These things would be a huge deal to me if they were icing on the cake of a long line of issues, but on their own, they are very minor issues that do not affect gameplay. It is a far cry from a "joke" as you put it.
As for the overall quality of the game, I am a long time fan of the series, as well as the NFL2K line, and this is the best Madden since 06 on regular Xbox. This is coming from someone who felt that 09 was the first passable game in the series since moving to the current gen of consoles.
I'll admit that I don't know what kind of modding is available to the PC version, but I can't imagine what I would want to mod in a football game other than maybe adding in my own music or having easier control to make roster moves before updates are available. I am a PC gamer for the most part, and I can see playing the modability card as a plus to some games vs their console counterparts, but I don't see how it really makes any sense here.
Also, just to clear things up, as you made a comment about paying extra for online franchise support, if you are familiar with NBA Live 09, this works the same way that did for their NBA 360 updates in that title. You simply input the code on the back of the manual and you are good to go. You don't pay anything extra if you purchased the game in a store. Now, if you were to sell your copy of Madden to Gamestop, the next guy buying it would have to shell out something like $10 to play in an online franchise, but that's only if the original owner took advantage of the feature.
Like I said, I am a PC gaming enthusiast, and I would completely support Madden10 on PC if for no other reason, the fact that it would allow me to play it on my laptop at work. I'm not trying to make an argument against Madden on PC, I just think that this conclusion you have made is silly at best, and that you are trying to make lemonade out of lemons.|||

I just think that this conclusion you have made is silly at best, and that you are trying to make lemonade out of lemons.

|||I have been playing Madden since 1995 but Madden 10 for the 360 will be my last. And this is why, I have been playing superstar mode on 15 min qt with the acc clock on 25 seconds. I also use player control instead of supersim for more realistic stats.Well I just got done playing a game that in the second qt I was on my opponent 22 yard line with 4th and 6 and the play call was punt. I called 3 time outs and took 3 5 yard delay of game and the play call was still punt. I even tried to audible but you can't on a punt. And then in the 4 qt it was 4th and 3 on my opponent 19 yard line and the same thing happened. So I lost 18-14. Why is it that EA has time to make extra stuff for extra money but can't get the game modes that came with the game to work correct? Or do I have to buy the field goal kicking option for super star mode? You guys are incredible. What a rip off.|||

You guys are incredible. What a rip off.

Yup, I plan right on going out to buy a console and then spend 60 more bucks on a bugged game. Woo hoo! Nope, I think I'll just keep updating my 3 buck copy of Madden 08. It plays better and is cheaper than dirt.|||Of course 08 is less glitchy - it's old and you have fixed all the glitches - I bet you were angry when 08 came out right? Remember?
As long as my 08 is still running I'm, perfectly happy and $60 richer. I have a PS3 and now I will not have to use up the TV and can play on the computer.
|||No, I remember when '08 came out. It ran perfectly. I had just purchased my first LCD monitor when it came out and I remember being amazed by how awesome the graphics looked, and the funny thing is that it still has the best graphics and playability of any game in the series!|||Mine sure didn't - it was horrible. Freeze ups, rebooting and so forth I promised I would never buy it again - for the 5th year in a row.
Plus the sliders are ALWAYS totally pitiful.|||

You know, two months ago I was super pissed when I saw that the new Madden wasn't coming out on PC. I wrote a lot of things in here about what a travesty it was, etc... But after playing Madden 08 for two months, patching it up with new rosters and schedules, jumping into the still-active online community, and joining some franchise draft teams, I've figured something out: Madden 08 on the PC is way better than the new Madden! It's like the dirty little secret nobody wants to talk about.
I've been cycling through some of the threads for the new game, and I have to laugh. Glitches galore and a 60 buck price tag with other added expenses if you want longer online franchises, etc. The new game's a joke. And yet, we get to play this superior title with good online capabilities, modability, etc... for free! So I've changed my tune. I don't want EA to release a PC version of the game next year. Why? Because they haven't improved on the old one yet!

|||I agree with thee, whole-heartedly ! Unless EA fixes the glitches ( morphing, rocketing, defensive super-jumps, ect. ) I'm not interested in the PC version - plus the PC version was always 2-3 years behind the console versions in options & graphics - EA stopped making the commitment to PC gamers & ok ... I'll buy the silly console, but I wont like it. Now I'm playing PS2 because compared to XBox360/PS3, the game has less of the " In The Game " glitches ( see above ) - I'll take this space also to raise a glass to the fine young men & women of PS2, for keeping Madden NFL the model of simulation football ... somewhat
please post any/all comments on the ( supposed ) PC version of Madden 2009 - thanx|||I have owned every madden version made except 09. Due to not being released on PC. Bought an xbox for my kid sometime ago. When they announced the online franchise I made the decision I would make the move. I enjoy playing the game by myself, however playing online is a lost cause. The pc version was and still is head and shoulders above 10. True we are early in the release, but lets be honest there is so much stuff they would have to fix to even come close. Having two years to improve on an old version and not doing so appears its not going to happen.
Its obvious with the options to purchase "extras=cheats" its clear thats where online franchises will go as well. Pay more to play. To me Madden was the greatest game ever made, because you could jion other peps and play. The fun in that is gone this year in my oppinion.
This version has great issues and obstacles with its highly touted presentation, online franchise options are non existant and online game play is absurd. I truely feel as though they never tested most of the game which appears as though it was rushed out the door for release.
I truely wish the Nfl would allow for another franchise to make the game. Its apparent EA is resting on its lurrels.

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