I'd put money on that the reason new games are not being created on the PC is due to the ease of piracy. This leaves most of us no options, since they're probably right that we all walked into wal-mart, stole a key, and downloaded the game. Wrong! ( not to the us walking into walmart, stealing a cdkey, and downloading the game......

), but wrong to that we don't have another option! Far-Fetched, although possible, pretty much either A. Make piracy for CD's easier so they lose money on platforms and are forced to expand to PC. or B) which i forgot since i really don't care that much; EA has become a degraded and diluted company. Anyways, your xbox's are really just computers inside that you will be upgrading every other year.
That sounded a LOT like an emachine from black friday - LOL! The $200.00 POS black friday that all of the hick rednecks would lineup outside bestbuy hoping to get one of the 5 in the store.
Your xbox = an emachine. I pity you.
2 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 Sli'd + 1200 PSU + 3.3ghz Quadcore + 8 GB Memory > Your pathetic consoles.
Contact me if you'd like to talk:
Xfire - CheatfreeSteve
MSN - NickLikesMen715
Cell - 7169087333 (Text only!)
Email - Nuuby1@aol.com
AIM - OnlyTheAmazing@aim.com
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