I just found out there will be no Madden for the PC. Unacceptable! I've been playing and buying Madden since year one. Switched to PC gaming about ten years ago to avoid having to spend $300 to $500 on a new gaming system every few years every time play station or genesis and now xbox wants to upgrade their console. I can upgrade my pc myself for a fraction of the cost. There's no way i'm going out to buy one of those time limted unversitile consoles to appease EA. What I will do, however, is boycott EA until this is rectified. By making it available for the Wii shows that EA cares more about appeasing their newer console bases than their longtime supporters. I taught my 8 year old how to play Madden last year and were anxiously awaiting this year's game. I'll have to explain to him that EA now sucks.|||Unacceptable is right. I completely agree. I have more tied up in PCs and have no desire to purchase a platform. Given that I am an adult and have no interest in the majority of console games, I have no desire to purchase a console system. I have been a loyal Madden gamer for years. Until now. No more it seems. I'll give my money to companies that apparently want it.
EA, throw us a bone.|||their really focusing on the next gen, but they do have it for the ps2|||how do u play online|||I agree I've been a fan for ages . not now.. thanx EA jerks|||I too agree that it's unacceptable. I travel a total of 2 months out of the year for my work, and I play several of their games to keep busy while away from the family on those evenings. It's really frustrating to have followed this franchise for years on the PC platform only to just get dumped without any consideration. EA is horrid this way. Amazing how a company can just hate a good portion of its customers, treat them like **** and still make money. Disgusting.|||I still can't believe there is no MADDEN for the PC this year. Not even updated rosters. CONSOLES are for kids. (btw, so is TRIX)|||Why is it not going to PC? I do not understand. EA, I hope that you change your mind on this decision.|||It's because of this idiot's decision- Peter Moore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Moore_(business). Appointed to EA SPORTS July 17, 2007. At the bottom of the website, in external links, is his blog. Leave a message for the console lover.|||Disgusting....I've played Madden since its inception and have quite literally grown up with it. I now game exclusively on PC and for EA to pull this **** on adult PC gaming football fans is a travesty of epically pathetic proportions.
I fully intend to spread the word to all my friends about how little EA and Peter Moore actually care about gaming and their customers.
EA and Mr. Moore, you disgust me more than I could possibly describe. You have lost a lifelong fan for the rest of his life. You can all go to ****.
Message was edited by: MenloParker (Spore)
Message was edited by: MenloParker (Spore)|||What EA has done by this way beyond unacceptable. They have turned their backs on the community that helped make them what they are. I enjoy alot of diffrent games. All on "PC" I refuse to buy a overrated, overpriced, half baked, piece of crap console just to play Madden or any game for that matter. Until EA issues a Public apology along With 09 for the PC. I refuse to buy another EA game of any type. I hope someone hacks the 360 version and puts it out for pc users to play. It would serve EA right for turning their backs like this.|||I've been playing Madden for about 9 years now, and I too am furious that it's not being released for the PC. At this time, I do not plan to buy any further EA products unless they get thier heads out of their fifth point of contact and rectify the situation! You always have more options available to you in the PC version than any game console and as Archairqb stated, you don't have to buy a new system every few years to keep playing it! I agree that this is just pandering to the company's that make this system! EA Sports, fix this problem or loose the customers that got you to where you're at!|||Well, like any other business that has no respect for their customers, you just take your business to the competition. Im done with Madden.|||THANKS EA FOR NOT MAKING A PC VERSION OF MADDEN, NOW WHAT AM I TO DO BUY THE GAME FOR XBOX 360 OR MY WII SYSTEMS THAT I WILL NEVER GET TO PLAY BECAUSE MY KIDS ARE ALWAYS ON THEM. I BUY THE PC VERSION FOR ME SO WHEN I'M AWAY FROM HOME I CAN PLAY. I HOPE YOU CAN RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM BY MAKING AN "09" VERSION BEFORE THE YEAR IS OVER, IF NOT IT WAS NICE DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU FOR THE LAST 7 YEARS. IT ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE TIGER WOODS AND NBA LIVE IS STOP ALSO.|||Can we still play Madden 08 online?
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