Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kicking Tips? (Madden 08 PC)

I've been playing Madden 08 PC for a couple of weeks now and can't get kicking figured out. I know you need to pull back on the stick then push forward when the counter has the most power while trying to keep the accuracy within the lines but for some reason I keep getting short and offline kicks. Anyone have tips for kicking?|||

I've been playing Madden 08 PC for a couple of weeks now and can't get kicking figured out. I know you need to pull back on the stick then push forward when the counter has the most power while trying to keep the accuracy within the lines but for some reason I keep getting short and offline kicks. Anyone have tips for kicking?

your concentrating too hard on it, its all one motion, just pull back and push forward at the same speed, practice makes perfect, also what skill level do u have it on? because the meter goes faster the higher level you play|||on a similar note, i find that sometimes if i click a trigger it makes the way that the thumb pads read the motion different. Like you would have to go side to side or something. just play around with it man.|||Thanks for your suggestions. I've been practicing with a little success but not much. I'd be open to any other suggestions people have to make me better.

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