If the PC gamers out there support my stance, please reply to this post and let these short-sighted people know we are here.|||while this is a good idea, im sorry to say it just wont work, ea will get support regardless from consoles, i agree with you entirely, ea should be ashamed of there self for doing this to the PC community, hell cell phones even have a version of madden 11 every platform for that matter but PC, thats just down right ridiculous.|||SMART IDEA but dumb for overall football on console or either PC plattform the sit out BUISNESS... if EA dont make money they will completly shut down the madden or other EA sports games...PC best buys = 40 bucks where EA makes money on console between 60 and 80 bucks around the global...
if you guys ddint read all about how POOR EA got...
you guys think and beliefe how the play on a CONSOLE or PC.. but how the setup and the cost the work it.. you guys dont know a tiney S:.:T...
about buisness work of EA you guys just too young the know.. but you guys know how the talk seally non sense...
probley studyn chicks o high school brains in adult age.... pick up a book and read than rather play console/PC
or date a girl with a brain ...
or cook your own meals
like cooken a play and than quit
good night or nice day
Sirs, I am calling for a COMPLETE boycott of all EA titles in all genres until such time as you realize your mistake in not bringing the latest Madden to those of us who choose our PCs as our preferred game consoles. Skipping one year may have been a viable business decision, but I for one will now revolt.
If the PC gamers out there support my stance, please reply to this post and let these short-sighted people know we are here.
I been on this bandwagon since the drop PC, wont buy jack from them|||They could at least license the teams/stadiums to someone else for the pc platform since they obviously don't want my money. Let 2ksports get it. They have my money for baseball, basketball and hockey. I still would buy Madden if EA released it. I have Tiger woods online.
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