MIOFC (Maddenleagues International Online Football Club) is a new and upcoming exclusive Club and League of Maddenleagues.net The Club offers updated news and information on the NFL and Football around the world. You will also find new upcoming information on newest Madden PC football game(s). Read about Tips and tricks for Madden NFL for PC, Download all types stuff for the game. There is new things coming all the time.
MIOFC is a members first online madden PC league, we listen to what are members want; and do what we can to input them into the league. We use custom teams and real NFL teams. We believe in letting the player have more freedom, to do things that you might not find in other leagues. We will be using Madden 08/09 PC (Mad Mod 09), we are a Coach vs. Coach league using Hamachi for online playing. (we use Hamachi do to it helping members that may have a bad/weak connection; or not knowing/being able to configure their connection(s)) We are in the development state, and are looking for people that want to help get this Club and League started.
Jobs listed:
Job Title: Co-Commissioner of League
Job Detail:
Helping with running the league, working and testing with league files, working with league members on problem and question & answers
Job Requirements:
Know how of running a Madden PC online league
Working with Madden Editor
Inputting and outputting of League files
Respectful and Understanding, willing to work with new time players
Being able to work hard and maybe long hours
Being 2ed in command, right-hand-man of the Commissioner
Overall seeing of League Admins,Moderators and other ranks
Jot Title: Assistant GM of Club
Job Detail:
Help with running the Club
tasks and overall Club duties
working with members of the Club
Overall seeing of Club Admins, Moderators and other ranks
Job Requirements:
Taking on task and and staying in contact with members and Staff
working with the Clubs website (Basic know how of inputting data)
Respectful and Understanding with new members
Being able to work hard and maybe long hours
Being 2ed in command right-hand-man of the GM
Job Title: Web site development & programing
Job Detail:
(Note: The basic layout of the site is developed by the host)
inputting and editing info into the MIOFC's website
working with HTTP,PHP,JAVA,C++ and other program code
Job Requirements:
Working with the some of the layout of the site
inputting and updating data
some Java script
maybe C++ and others (the more you know the better)
FTP know how
*Statistics System Software
*working with and the understanding Zend®
Job Title: Graphics Development
Job Detail:
working with website and league graphics
Designing and developing graphics for the league, club and website
Job Requirements:
Working with the website graphics
Developing and editing new and old graphics for the club and league
NOTE: we are in need of a logo(s) and banner(s) for are league and club
Job Title: Administrator(s)
Job Detail:
working & monitoring with league and club forums and chat room(s)
Job Requirements:
Monitoring forums and chat room(s)
upholding rules on forums and chat rooms
working with members
editing forum posts
helping with answers and questions
overall helping members and sometimes staff
If you are interested in one of the jobs listed please contact me on ICQ or Yahoo
Thank you
ICQ#: 380720835
* may not be a necessarily Requirement, basic know how is a plus
how much does it pay?
5 figures.
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