I deleted Madden 2008 for the PC a while ago. Since there is no 2009 I am wondering if we can still play 2008 online? If so, is there a date when EA plans on taking 2008 off the net?
Thanks for the help.|||yes you can still play online (though i don't recommend it. If you win games everyone left will sync or whine. If you lose...well...who likes to lose?). They will probably leave their servers up until they decide to tell us that they decided not to make a madden 2010 for pc...but maybe they'll make one in 2011?
Regarding people quitting before the end of the game if they are losing: is there any league or anyway to link up with people who play games out, who play based on a commitment to play a game rather than playing to win or leave early?|||yeah, there's plenty of leagues around here though i'm not the guy to ask. I don't play madden much and don't have time for a league. Some of them are pretty cool though.|||can i download updated rosters to 08!? if so,how!!??
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