Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Madden 1010. PC. No-Realease. My thoughts.

I would believe that the same type of gaming style game disk can be incorporated into computers. what's the use of installing a game? it takes too much memory quite frankly and you can't play it without the cd anyways. make the game disk simply a "plug-and-play" style like the box or ps3. it works for them, it's a lot harder to mod files, and it's less time spent by the computer nerd before he gets to game. Make the game "uncopiable," I'm sure it's possible. have computer games run just like box games. We can save game data and roster changes to our hard drive, like on any ps3 or box360, but the game just runs purely by cd. YAY. problem solved. then you can put more effort into graphic detail and gameplay. put in a good 50 more different kinds of catches and tackles (because we all know how lame and old the ones on 2008 get) and just put more time into style, appearance, ease of gaming, and the actual game play because you won't have to have installation files on one disk.|||I just spoke with a help desk individual. I had no clue that Madden NFL 2009 didn't come out for PC. However I just built my new system so that it could handle Madden 2010. Now I find out there is nothing for pc. wtf. the man said that they were looking to retool things to make it sell again for the PC. MADDEN NFL 2010 IS THE BEST MADDEN EVER. It's been said by many a company. Who cares if people pirate it. GO back down to charging only FORTY dollars, though I can't believe I'm even saying that, for the crappy 10 cent piece of plastic that you use to make games.
50 dollars is an outrageous price for any cd, ask 30 for your product. Make the game harder to pirate, meaning if you do not have the brains to out-do some kid behind a desk with too much time on his hands... then you shouldn't have a job that you work at 40 hours a week making a game that you intend to make money off of. I'm sorry EA. You make some decent games and you're one of the most well known companies, but the fact that you're so bitter because you were the first company to have cd codes to protect you from pirating and that still couldn't stop you?... says a lot about how well run your company is.
You bought out NFL2k5, which was a way better game than yours, just so you could have a halftime show in your game since they patented it. You took their game developers and put them into your games. You have the best and only NFL game on market. You will always sell your product. You need to make games able to be downloaded online. Perhaps even have them able to be downloaded for half the price. that way you don't have to spend money on cds, and we spend half the money to play a game. you spend ten CENTS to store it in a hard drive on your computer database. we spend 20 dollars only for a downloadable game that we can do on a day where we're at school, work, vacation, ect.
Then we can all come home and play it for cheap, you make even MORE profit because you don't even have to spend 10 cents a cd, and we all get what we want. better yet, don't even sell your products in stores. this way people can't buy the cd and learn how to get around the files to pirate to others. they can only download the files directly from your database. make it so that if there is any change to ANY code on the game, it is inoperable. That is the simplest and best plan that I can think of if you don't' want to be pirated, and you make twice the profit. Get a friggin brain for marketing EA SPORTS. I'm an acting major, and I know this stuff better than you.|||Sorry to all who have read these in other forum topics before, i just wanted to create my own with just my thoughts to initiate some intrigue and a different spin on matters in its own closed corner, aka my own topic. enjoy my rant. I do believe it proves quite a good point.|||

I would believe that the same type of gaming style game disk can be incorporated into computers. what's the use of installing a game? it takes too much memory quite frankly and you can't play it without the cd anyways. make the game disk simply a "plug-and-play" style like the box or ps3. it works for them, it's a lot harder to mod files, and it's less time spent by the computer nerd before he gets to game. Make the game "uncopiable," I'm sure it's possible. have computer games run just like box games. We can save game data and roster changes to our hard drive, like on any ps3 or box360, but the game just runs purely by cd. YAY. problem solved. then you can put more effort into graphic detail and gameplay. put in a good 50 more different kinds of catches and tackles (because we all know how lame and old the ones on 2008 get) and just put more time into style, appearance, ease of gaming, and the actual game play because you won't have to have installation files on one disk.

I would not buy this If I can not mod it I do not want it
plus this would be slow even with the newer drives it would run so much slower than if it was installed on the PC
DRM FREE or NO money from me|||DRM free? and it wouldn't run slower. it would boot up twice as fast an only run as though it were a dvd cd, a strict boot cd. you put it in, the game screen pops up.|||yes but is the game runs from the CD it must go back and hit the CD often, this WILL cause slower gameplay
I agree with most of your post just not this part
DRM FREE or NO money from me

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