Whenever I try to go online, I get a Alert/Message saying to check my internet cables and make sure everything is connected. Have the servers gone offline? Because my internet is working without a problem.|||cant do either

|||They shut the servers off back in April. If you want to still play vs real people join a league. I run one with my bro and we have 2 teams open. Let me know if you're interested, just reply with your Yahoo IM name and I'll contact you asap.|||If you wanna play other people online join Football-freaks.com its a whole site dedicated to madden and it's FREE. You can find indivigual games in the chat room, Join a league, get a current 2011 roster down load etc, Its AWESOME trust me... remember football-freaks.com has a hyphen in it. any one is welcome EASO has turned their back on the PC gamer.|||
If you wanna play other people online join Football-freaks.com its a whole site dedicated to madden and it's FREE. You can find indivigual games in the chat room, Join a league, get a current 2011 roster down load etc, Its AWESOME trust me... remember football-freaks.com has a hyphen in it. any one is welcome EASO has turned their back on the PC gamer.
What McFike said.|||Hey Bkgiantsfan it's me pcgeek1012 from pc 2008 i miss playing on the pc im playing on xbox 360 and i don't like it so far.
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