I know there is slim to no chance of a new Madden coming out for PC, but any chance of a roster update for Madden 08..I think that is the last one available for PC..either way any change of a roster update for the last Madden for PC...anyone know where I could get one, one that will keep the game playable but not boring (Getting killed or me killing)
SSSEYYAAA|||there used to be a community site that maintained rosters for PC versions, www.football-freaks.com. Now when I go to it the site is not up. I hope the volunteers didn't get tired and quit and the site being down is just temporary. They did custom mods, playbooks, everything. GREAT site!!! The last roster I got from them was the beginning of last season - Favre on the Vikings, McNabb on the Redskins, etc. I still use it. If football-freaks is gone, I can send you that roster and portrait package.|||I am under the impression that it is gone forever... I know the volunteers didn't quit.... it caught most of us off guard as well...
A few of us have started cataloging files that were saved here: http://ffmadden.wikia.com/wiki/Football-Freaks_Madden_PC_Wiki
Hopefully you can find what you need there and if you have something that not's there, hopefully you can add to it!
JD|||Shame.. I feel guilty, like i didn't do enough personally to support the site and contributed to it's demise. Yeah, I know it's silly, but what can I say? Oh well, I wish all the guys the best and hope they REALLY REALLY know how much their work was appreciated. I just got it: I feel a little empty bc I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Yeah, that's it: I need closure!
Thanks for the info..I tried that web page but could not figure out what file to download. Is it a safe site?
Also if I wanted to get Michael Vick, who is the Vick? I know Vick is not in version 08, but did they put someone else, with no major name but same attributes?
Thanks again
SEEYYA|||I will upload the roster I am currently using, from the end of the 2010 season. It has Vick on the Eagles, Percy Harvin and Favre on the Vikings, McNabb on the Redskins, etc. I think the attributes were fairly acccurate as of the end of last season. Since I no longer have football-freaks.com as my "go to" resource I am going to modify this roster to reflect the new changes for 2011. My challenges will be 1) adjusting the attributes of players one year later, and 2) creating new rookies from scratch. As soon as the NFL rosters are set I should have it available, but don't expect too much in the way of accurate photos. I never learned that part of it and will be winging it. Photos are not a big deal to me personally because I rarely play franchise, just a game here and there.
As soon as I find an appropriate place to post the file I will post the link here. Hope it helps.|||Thanks...please let me know. Would like to try it.
If EA would just make madden again for PC all these problems would be gone.
Why don't they just sign up with Steam and figure out a way to sell it via online download only.
Why so difficult?
You have to get inside the heads of the people at EA. They have one interest: making easy money. They make a LOT more pure profit by writing simple, brain dumb (my opinion) games for consoles, so anything they would do to support PC gaming hurts their pockets, so to speak. It would be nothing to, at the very least, release new rosters for Madden08 and sell it for $5 or $10 digital download only. No distribution costs, no new game engine programming, no new features, just extra dollars every year from people like me. They might even have some new people buy the game again. They're creating new rosters every year already, anyway. Sux.
Thanks...please let me know. Would like to try it.
If EA would just make madden again for PC all these problems would be gone.
Why don't they just sign up with Steam and figure out a way to sell it via online download only.
Why so difficult?
[EDIT]Roster can be downloaded here: http://www.box.net/shared/99kdz49j7fp6qe9m45aq
Profile Pics can be downloaded here: http://www.box.net/shared/opzi4cjni79z3fjqaa7o
Place the pics in the root of the Documents\Madden NFL 08\ folder, and the roster in Documents\Madden NFL 08\Rosters\ folder. To be safe, copy the old picture file before replacing it with this one.|||Hello,
Thanks for the updates. Will try it out once I finish my current season. Thank you very much.
As for why no new madden, I totally agree, if their was a update I would pay a few bucks to download it. I bought portal 2 for PC. It is out for PS3 which I have but I wanted it on PC. I could download it direct from Steam. I can't picture that it would have to be a major change from both versions. Just don't get why just cut out a 1/3, I know a small 1/3 but it is a 1/3.
Just wish EA would lose the license with the NFL and maybe someone will think of the PC again.
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