Goodbye psychos and syncers. Hello real competitors and resuming the occasionally disco'd games with real rosters.|||I hope NFLDonkeyRider doesnt see this Post
And above all you get to use Updated Rosters... add me on yahoo instant messenger if you have questions, my name is redskinsplyr420.
later|||football freaks is ridic. bunch of sim nerds and awful players over there, that care more about making rosters than playing.|||
This coming from the biggest NERD of all time. ROFLMFAO! yOU LITTLE MIDGET!|||i can't belive how you guys complain about the stupidest things get a job get a girl and buy a ps3 or 360 this game is so old its sad stop complaining sheesh btw waldo im in santa anna cali right now|||
football freaks is ridic. bunch of sim nerds and awful players over there, that care more about making rosters than playing.
I hope they kill you in Santa Anna you little punk!|||At least the people at football-freaks have done something for PC players in the last few years, unlike EASports who abandons many of their longtime loyal customers who have nice PCs and don't want to buy any more consoles. I bought madden year after year since the very first ones, ... I had all the old consoles... When I moved my gaming to PC I bought every PC Madden too until the year they stopped making madden for PC.
i can't belive how you guys complain about the stupidest things get a job get a girl and buy a ps3 or 360 this game is so old its sad stop complaining sheesh btw waldo im in santa anna cali right now
I'm never going to buy a console again, and easports can have me back as a customer once they give madden back to the PC.. and I know there are many others in my position.|||bay good to see you. im glad you still think im 14 and short, because im probably taller than your fat * is. and blake hit me up on facebook if you wanna kick it or somethin.|||
Hahahahahaha if you are not atleast 6'1" you still a midget. Are you asking blake out on a date? hahahahhaha|||bay i seem to remember you were no more than 5'10 and were fat as * too, you looked like a little mexican dumpling.|||
bay good to see you. im glad you still think im 14 and short, because im probably taller than your fat * is. and blake hit me up on facebook if you wanna kick it or somethin.
Actually I am 6'1" , and I weigh 195. Solid muscle son . How tall are you ? I would guess 5'1" ROFLMFAO!|||lol please, next time you want to lie dont post pics first, we all saw your fat little frame. and im 5'10, but to be honest id rather be 4'10 than be a fat * like you
bay i seem to remember you were no more than 5'10 and were fat as * too, you looked like a little mexican dumpling.
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