Friday, April 20, 2012

Madden 08...

it been 2 years now and they still havent given us a crumb, a lousy Roster update would be nice...heck i would even pay for it!!!...charge us 10 Bucks an Update and you guys would make your money without even producing a new game!!! You normally give us 4 per year so that would equal your 40 Dollars your looking for!!! WE WILL PAY IT!!! The PC baller loves the FAST Gameplay and ALOT less LAG than ANY console server you have...i own a 360 also but in my eyes, its UNPLAYABLE!!! 2 sec pauses before i can pass the ball, a pause when i Hand-Off? CMON EA, WAKE UP!!!! thats NOT Football|||Amen.
I have the PS3 version and although there aren't any pauses before passes or hand-offs the controls are still mediocre.
I've heard someone else in another part of this forum describe it as feeling like you're controlling a player on those old electric football games with the vibrating board. I'd have to say that description is dead on.
They really should port the PS2(PC) engine to PS3/360, add the additional attributes and continue to make the ratings more realistic. The more realistic ratings are one of the things I actually like about the PS3 version.|||There wont ever be another roster update for the PC version,you synced and cheated everyone on-line and bragged about it in the forums for years,now you want to cry about it...LMFAO!. By the way PS3 has had 3 roster updates since it's release and there's sure to be another 1 anyday now. So you have fun syncing the remaining 20 players that are on everyday on that ole 08 PC version.Looks like EA unleashed KONG on you muppetz,so get over it! No PC MADDEN BEST CHOICE EVER EA!!!!!|||Wasn't your ghetto * brother shot or something? Maybe you need to get gunned down soon for the sake of all humanity you stupid pea brain dolt.|||So where can you get a roster update for MADDEN 08? Theres gotta be somewhere, right?|||

So where can you get a roster update for MADDEN 08? Theres gotta be somewhere, right?|||Hey whats up ppl i need some help here i lost my maual for madden 08 i need the activation code to download it can anyone help me i would gratley appreciate it|||I just purchased a new Madden 08 for like $8. Sucked but what can ya do.|||

There wont ever be another roster update for the PC version,you synced and cheated everyone on-line and bragged about it in the forums for years,now you want to cry about it...LMFAO!. By the way PS3 has had 3 roster updates since it's release and there's sure to be another 1 anyday now. So you have fun syncing the remaining 20 players that are on everyday on that ole 08 PC version.Looks like EA unleashed KONG on you muppetz,so get over it! No PC MADDEN BEST CHOICE EVER EA!!!!!

Oh yeah because they never cheat on the consoles. Just cheated by some fraud last night when I was up 60-7 and he had a record of 28-6. Get a clue.|||

it been 2 years now and they still havent given us a crumb, a lousy Roster update would be nice...heck i would even pay for it!!!...charge us 10 Bucks an Update and you guys would make your money without even producing a new game!!! You normally give us 4 per year so that would equal your 40 Dollars your looking for!!! WE WILL PAY IT!!! The PC baller loves the FAST Gameplay and ALOT less LAG than ANY console server you have...i own a 360 also but in my eyes, its UNPLAYABLE!!! 2 sec pauses before i can pass the ball, a pause when i Hand-Off? CMON EA, WAKE UP!!!! thats NOT Football

Man you were getting 4 updates a year, really or were you just downloading the same one over and over cuz EA was slow w/ updates 2007 went almost the full year w/o one.|||wats the madden dvd code to play online

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