Friday, April 20, 2012

Madden 08 2 on 2 tournament for PC version

Hey all,
I want to spice things up a bit and wondered how many of you would be interested in a one day, 2 on 2 tourney? Playing 2 on 2 seems to make the game play so much differently, and I think it would be a blast. I have never ran an online 2 on 2 before so any input on the best way to run it would be welcomed as well. So if you're bored of whupping the CPU, and want to step up to a new challenge, post a message. If you have some friends that want to play, that's cool too.
Heres how it would work:
On Offence:
One person is the QB and must not player switch. If he passes to a player and he becomes the receiver, he must not control the player.
Player 2 can be any other player on offence, and is allowed to player switch.
The only exception for the QB is that they can control the Fullback, but is limited to 5 carries a game.
On Defense:
Each player chooses a position and remains that for the enire game. Player switching only allowed after a catch is made.
Settings would be something like:
All Pro, 6 minute quarters.
If anyone is interested, post your preferred position. For me for example:
I prefer to play HB
on Defense: SS
Hopefully we can get enough for 4 or 5 teams. If there are enough people, I will randomly pair up two's (unless there are requests), then decide on what the teams are.
If this is successful, maybe we could look at doing round robin style over a few week period.

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